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What in the heck is MudPaw?? We got the name from our dogs. when we moved into our new house our dogs feet were always muddy when the came in the house (due to the fact that we did not have grass) So I started calling my dog Chief MudPaw and after my first video with him we came up with MudPaw Productions©.  So below you will find some of our movies that we have made.  

Warning: You will probably need a high bandwidth connection to view these. If you have a slow connection right click on the movie and select "save as" and select where you want to save the movie, this will download the movie to your computer.


Check out some of our Movies.

Haley Sings!!


I finally made the news. Jeremy on NBC 24.


Haley's First Birthday Celebration


Haley's first taste of rice cereal.

Haley playing. 

Haley is getting bigger everyday this was taken at about 10 weeks.

Video of Haley getting ready for Valentines Day.

A Tribute to Gus

In memory of Gus 1996-2003

Fishing Trip in Ludington, Mi

Our Dog Gus

We miss you buddy.