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This Page is a tribute to our dog Gus who passed on October 18th, 2003. Gus you will be missed and always be in our minds and hearts. 

We first got Gus from a Siberian Husky rescue close to home. I think I was driving Jenny nuts because I was so picky and we had looked at so many dogs. When we first went to the rescue we must have looked at 25 dogs and Gus was not one of the ones she had shown us, because the owner of the rescue thought that he might be to loud for us. So we went on looking at dogs at other places and I eventually came back to the Siberian Husky Rescue. The lady who owned the rescue said that she had a dog that she has had for a year that no one had wanted because he was a little loud and sort of possessive. She brought the dog out who at that time his name was Sterling and I was shocked, the dog was beautiful, and I thought why would no one want this dog. I played with him, walked him a little, listened about the dogs history and took him home. 

   The first thing we did was change his name to Gus, I didn't think this dog should be named Sterling. Jenny and  I named him after a dog that was in the movie "Iron Will" which had a bunch of huskies in it.  

    Gus was definitely one of a kind, Gus barked very rarely, he had always had this funny woo woo noise that he made when he wanted to get your attention. Gus loved to go for walks and meet new people, in fact I don't know one person Gus didn't like. Gus liked to run and chase rabbits, play you can't catch me with Jeremy, and to be tickled by Jenny. Gus also liked riding in the car, camping, playing with our other dog Sadie, and sleeping on his back. I wish we had a picture of him sleeping on his back, he slept with all four feet in the air. 

I think that we are very fortunate that Gus waited for us at the Siberian Husky rescue and that Nancy there gave him to us. What a great dog Gus is.

We had Gus for a short 5 years and loved everyday with him. 

A Tribute to Gus Video click here.

Unfortunately Gus some how got Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia. The vet said that they just get it and they are not sure how. I'm not going to try and explain all of the events and what happened on this page because I just want him remembered for the way he was.


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