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Hobbies? Ask anyone I have tons of them.

Here you find a list of my hobbies that I enjoy doing but seem to have so little time to enjoy them all

  Camping: I love to go camping. We camp most of the Spring, Summer and Fall. We have a 30 Ft Fifth Wheel that we camp in.  The whole family seems to enjoy it. Hopefully soon we'll be camping again soon.
Playing Guitar: I own a 1990 Fender Squire Strat HM Series, Epiphone Les Paul Standard, Yamaha FG-750 and a Fender Champion 30 Amp.  Lately I've been going to guitar classes at the YMCA, I've been learning a lot of stuff about guitar theory and reading music. Hopefully some day I'll be able to play like Stevie Ray Vaughn or Jimi Hendrix.
  Recently I have been getting into Photography and I'm hoping that I can start taking pictures as possibly a side business.
I'm a Volunteer Fireman for the small township that we live in. I'm a Fireman, Emergency Medical Technician, and a Hazmat Operator. I haven't been in to many fires yet but I've been on a lot of EMS runs. People ask me why I do it? I do it because I like to help people, meet new people, and it gives me a good feeling when I help someone out.
Cars: 1970 Chevelle Malibu.